Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Radical Islam and Christian Privilege

Am I the only one who finds it upsetting to hear stories on CNN, FOXNews and MSNBC, talk about Radical Islam? I mean, I study religion, and I know that there have been way more Radical Christians out there. Don't take this as an attack on Christianity, I "used to be" Christian (I'm currently exploring Unitarian Universalism) and I'm currently pursuing a Master of Divinity from a Methodist seminary. With that said, why is there never any talk about Radical Christians? I'll tell you why. Because America is a country of Christian Privilege. Thats right Christian Privilege. Think about the "National" Holidays, and their proximity to Christian holidays. I'm not indicting Christianity. I just think its weird that Muslims are "Radical", while Christians are "Fundamentalists". Something to think about.


Anonymous said...

I think its much more than something to think about. It's something to speak out about. these are circumstances in which an entire group of people is being subverted through linguistic gymnastics. It is embedded in our minds that one group is radical while another is fundamental. Then it becomes a systematic cultural and institutional form of oppression.

The floor is yours. get on your soap box. Write your manifesto. It's time for our generation to do some real stuff right now.

tldilworth said...

Aye fam!

I don't really care much about what's going on with the whole Christian vs. Muslim thing, but I do think the Unitarian Universalism theology that your approaching is quite interesting because its similar to what I think my outlook on religion is.

Like, I don't classify myself under any religion but I do see myself as spiritual. I do believe that there is a higher power and I do follow the stories of Jesus Christ and the Bible, but I do not adhere to any of the dogma or laws associated with any church. I do not see it as necessary that the church has to be a part of my belief in God.

Unitarian Universalism is interesting. I don't know much about it and didn't know something like that existed but I think that it may tie in with some of the things I believe, not saying that I would join it though.