Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Radical Islam and Christian Privilege

Am I the only one who finds it upsetting to hear stories on CNN, FOXNews and MSNBC, talk about Radical Islam? I mean, I study religion, and I know that there have been way more Radical Christians out there. Don't take this as an attack on Christianity, I "used to be" Christian (I'm currently exploring Unitarian Universalism) and I'm currently pursuing a Master of Divinity from a Methodist seminary. With that said, why is there never any talk about Radical Christians? I'll tell you why. Because America is a country of Christian Privilege. Thats right Christian Privilege. Think about the "National" Holidays, and their proximity to Christian holidays. I'm not indicting Christianity. I just think its weird that Muslims are "Radical", while Christians are "Fundamentalists". Something to think about.